Flickr, the obsession:

i have friends:

i wish these were my friends:


pfoto haunts:

kimprobable travel:

window to my soul:

fodder for my amusement:
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 Wednesday, December 23, 2009
hello world. again.

hello world!

i'm working on firing up the old blog. forgivie the cobbled together banner which i stole from screen shots off my own flickr site. the links are old. the archive is out of control.. i'm afraid i have hit the limits of my html editing skills, so this is what it's gonna be for awhile. i'm just grateful that my little nook in cyberspace is still in existence after all these years of neglect. i can't believe this thing has been around since 2003. like any journal, i have no doubt that 75% of what i've written would embarass the hell out of me if i went back and read it right now- but that's sort of the fun of a journal, too. this one just happens to be public. it's part of the fun.

it's been a long long long time. with the advent of flickr and facebook and my own professional site, there are so many means of communication. but.. i also haven't traveled in a long time and now that i'm out and about again, i'm finding i do want a space to keep a travel journal, post photos and say things that i don't necessarily need the professional world to view. i'm in India. this place is wonderful and confusing, and things generally are not as i perceive them the first, second or even third time around. i'm gonna make mistakes, use bad words and possibly make a few insulting observations without intending to. after struggling with that for a few weeks, i've decided i'm okay with it. i see through western eyes and there is nothing I can do about it, but most of my friends are also in the west, and i think you all will be able to relate to what i'm seeing. i just want a safe place to do it and want you to join along. i'll make corrections and apologies as i learn more, but i think and hope it will all be part of the experience.


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