Flickr, the obsession:

i have friends:

i wish these were my friends:


pfoto haunts:

kimprobable travel:

window to my soul:

fodder for my amusement:
To Test or Not to Test:
Our Comprehensive Guide to HIV Testing

One in three Americans that has AIDS does not know it.

AIDS.ORG offers an "everything you wanted to know" resource about HIV testing; answering the "what, why, how, and where" of testing for HIV.

 Friday, June 08, 2007
the fondest pictures are vivid memories

i did something special today. i accidentally deleted all of my photos from texas to just outside of gallup. and for what? for this shot. hardly an award winner. i'll be taking donations of photos of the Cadillac Ranch and various segments of Route 66.

I am now licking my wounds in the El Capitain Motel in Gallup, MN, manned by a giant guy that could have been mistaken for Santa Clause had it not been for the missing teeth, absessed gums and pizza-stained white Hanes Tshirt.

other than the last minute delete fest, today was fairly uneventful other than a few quirky little things so i made mental lists.

things I read today:

-"Present this room key to claim your free 72 oz steak"
-"Welcome!" and.. "This establishment protected by Smith and Wesson"

Food-related talk today:

-"I'd like to have the 12 inch veggie delight with no cheese please". Response. "Are you serious?"

-"I'd like to have the bean curd with stir fried vegetables in brown sauce, please". Response. "Is that actually on the menu?"

Something I overheard today

-says half-in-the-bag grungie dude to his cute 6 year old girl outside a massive rest stop, "here, go eat your candy while mommy and I go into the casino".

Things that ran in front of my car today within 3 minutes of each other:

-a deer
-a cow
-a turtle

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