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 Friday, March 16, 2007
No Desert For YOU

No Desert For YOU
Originally uploaded by kimprobable.
in my attempt to escape winter, winter has come back with a big screw you. i'm stuck in new york. surely there are worse places. actually, i'm sitting with a good friend from boston who i hadn't expected to see, and with whom i should probably be conversing instead of blogging about.

i'm a little hesitant to pen this. but i actually missed my flight. i have no idea what's wrong with me these days. i almost missed my train up here cuz i had the wrong day. i had an interview at cornell on thursday, and i showed up at the wrong campus. then i had it in my head that my arrival time in san diego was my departure time. all morning i sipped coffee and relaxed, thankful that for the first time ever i didn't have to rush to a new york airport at 6am. when really i should've.

but, someone's looking out for me this time. i called the airline and told them i wasn't going to make it. she said she'd get me on the next flight.. but then all the flights were being cancelled. my flight was going to be the last flight of the day to get out. bye bye trip to the desert. it's all i've been thinking about for the past two weeks. carrie's sick of the links i've been inundating her with about joshua tree. i even had a special holga made and overnighted so that she'd be desert ready by tomorrow. but no. i wasn't going because i screwed up royally. the airline told me they couldn't get me out until saturday night, and it was the last seat she could find for the whole weekend. i cried for a minute. i screw up. alot. but nothing quite like this and never three days in row. i'm starting to think i'm going to have to start checking every day to make sure my underwear's not on the outside of my pants or that i'm not wearing two different shoes before i walk out the door every morning. even then, i'll probably continue to lose my keys every day.

i obsessed a bit. i checked my flight status for a while. it hadn't left by 1. nor by 2. i kicked myself harder, thinking i could've made it anyway. but i realized it was probably sitting on the runway. for four hours. then a giant "flight cancelled' flashed on my screen. i almost cried again from relief.

i'm still not at the desert. but it's not my fault (right?). the biggest bennie is that i didn't trudge to the airport, sit in the plane for four hours, and i don't have to sleep in the aiport for the next two nights hoping to get a standby flight. i suppose it all worked out for the best. but still.. underwear checks. i'm going to have to start doing them.

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